Asinine Idiot

This is not a repo story, but it does come from my car rental days. I was the manager of a location and was teaching some new employees proper protocols.

According to the official employee manual of this company, if a misunderstanding were to arise, the proper protocol would be to apologize. Particularly, if the fault resided with the company, an employee of the company, or if fault was not immediately clear. Specifically, the manual advised that the employee should say "I'm sorry."

One of the trainees objected. She explained that her father had taught her to never say "I'm sorry." His rationale came from definition number 3 below - to be in a pitiful state of affairs. I showed her a dictionary, with the following definitions: 

- adjective
1. Feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune.

"I was sorry to hear about what happened to your family"

2. Feeling regret or penitence.

"he said he was sorry he had upset me"

used as an expression of apology.
"sorry—I was trying not to make a noise"

used as a polite request that someone should repeat something that one has failed to hear or understand.

"Sorry? I didn't hear that?"

3. In a poor or pitiful state or condition.

"he looks a sorry sight with his broken jaw"

Well, this nitwit continued to object.  I offered replacement phrases - "my apologies," and "I apologize."  She still refused on the grounds that it might mean definition 3 of "sorry" above. I asked how she planned then, to offer apologies and she stated she wouldn't be doing that. 

I had to write her up. 

She, of course, complained to my manager.  Among her complaints, she added that I had called Michael Moore an "asinine idiot." I was most certainly guilty of that, but that was not enough to keep her employed in violation of company protocols.

#Libtards , Calvinists, and others who don't face facts often try to skew the meaning of words.  Words mean something. It is essential for good communication that a word keep the same definition. 


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