When Is It Enough?

The City of Mount Juliet is considering a proposal to  triple the property tax. At the heart of the matter is the city's fire department.

Some questions the politicians involved cannot answer:
Is the fire department only 1/3 funded? If so, then its planning was completely reckless and We The People cannot trust those who planned it to do the right thing now. 

Is the fire department *just* short? If so, why triple the taxes? Anyone who would suggest such cannot be trusted to set this straight.  

What is being done to reclaim the taxes that Mount Juliet residents pay to Wilson County? Wilson County does not offer fire protection to Mount Juliet, even though a portion of the property taxes paid to WilCo are earmarked for fire protection.  It would seem there may be legislative or litigative remedies here that are not being pursued. 

What about the fact that since population is booming in Mount Juliet, record property taxes are being received? 

Some of the spin by local politicians: 
Some City commissioners suggest that they "do not want to sacrifice services."
Well, nobody else wants to, either.  But there's been no decrease in tax revenues, so there ought be no decrease in services. 

Some city commissioners suggest they don't want to "play with people's lives over pennies."
That's disingenuous at best.  No lives are being played with. 

Some commissioners suggest that the objectors (myself included) are against adequate fire protection.  That's not true, either. 

The fact is, we object to the continual increase in taxes.  It never stops.  It's never enough for that big government pig.  


  1. Due to the pensions often attached to these sort of jobs, the residents end up paying for about three fire departments.


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