Happy Wife

Since writing  this article, I have been following the blog and Facebook page of The Transformed Wife fairly closely. One thing that is always funny is the people that disagree fundamentally with the material taught.

** I've said it before and I'll say it again: I do not follow things I do not agree with. **
Those who do and frequently comment do so strictly for the negative attention that comes with being a griefer. Almost universally,  these are people who do not contribute to society, and they know they are worthless.

Among the more common themes of these griefers, and responses to them, are:

"I won't show my husband respect until he does XYZ."
Reply - the Bible is a handbook on how to live, not on how to change others to fit what you think they ought to be. Fix yourself, and do so by Biblical standards. The Transformed Wife is guidance on how to do that if you are a wife, or wish to become one.

"I do [exactly opposite of what you just suggested] and I'm fine and my kids are fine."
9 times out of 10, no, you are not fine. For the rest, let's just put it this way: You can build a house with an old hammer and hand saw. That doesn't mean it is the most effective way. Doing things different than God suggests doesn't mean they cannot be done... it's just less effective and efficient that way. So - congrats on success after working way too hard to get it.

"What about single moms?"
This is the woman who is intentionally trying to be obtuse. Most of them are single by choice - unwed mothers (sluts trying to justify their slutty ways), or divorced mothers (divorce porn). There's a reason the Bible speaks about how we as he church are to care for the widows and orphans, and yet is silent about what to do for sluts who can't keep their legs closed and women who frivolously divorce their husbands for no good reason.  Besides, the blog is advice for wives and those who wish to be wives.

Insert "example" of Ruth, Phoebe, etc.
For the millionth time, these are exceptions, not the rule. God does not call women to preach or lead in church or lead their families. Women are called to teach younger women (Titus 2:3-5).

Some men will post this. These are just White Knight BETA soy-boys. If they really had things figured out, they wouldn't be trying to land a date (100% unsuccessfully, I might add) with the bitter hags who troll The Transformed Wife blog and Facebook page.


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