Internet Fame

A week ago, the Rifleman was browsing through social media.  A conversation about Taylor Swift's endorsement of Phil Bredesen - #Philbert - caught the eye.  One of the replies in the comments mentioned that, according to her songs, Swift has horrible taste in men. 

So, the Rifleman made a meme:

This meme was shared on that post, and a couple of others.  Also, it was shared on Twitter, as you can see, and also on Instagram. 

To the Rifleman's surprise, a few days later, many friends started sharing it.  In fact, local radio personality, Steve Gill, also shared it:

The Rifleman came to find out that the black & white version here originated from another person.  This person had seen the original meme, and made it B&W.

And, as you can see, he has had this version shared over 1300 times. 

Furthermore,  it has been appearing on Twitter, as well:

This is not the first time the Rifleman has stumbled into such a widely seen social media post.  Several of the articles on this blog have gone over 1000 views.  And the top Tweet the Rifleman has had to date was liked and retweeted over 500 times. 


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