
From a class where someone came without money...

"I accidentally left my money at home. I'll pay you when I get home via PayPal. "
- Saturday morning.

"I didn't know this cost anything."
- Saturday at lunchtime.
(Yet, somehow he knew when, where, how many rounds, etc.)

"But I will not lie to you I came to your class today just about broke this month soon as I get my money right I will get square with you directly,  Thank you again."
- Saturday night

"I’ll tell [my friend] to send ya $$. I told him I didn’t know but it was $50 he’s fine with it..."
- Sunday

"I enjoyed the class today.  You both done a great job.  I appologize for not bringing any money with me....i was told there wasnt any charge.  Ill get you the money tomorrkw or monday."
- His Friend  on Saturday evening. 

(After spotting this individual $20 for range fees, he said he had given it back to me.  Cash drawer didn't show it.)
"Then you lost $20 somewhere, and it was not with me. I only had $24 on me just to find After three hours. You said it was $100 for for us I was thinking you meant $50 apiece not $100 piece for the class class. I give you the only 20 had just to find out there was range feed which was extremely but embarrassing for me to have to ask for it back.  Like I said I’ll pay you 20 on the first and I’ll pay the rest as I get it but I’ll pay that was it unexpected expense that didn’t count for this month."
- Following week.
(Please note, we never spoke via phone between invite and class time. And there are screenshots of all messages - $50 was never mentioned. Not sure where he got that from.)

"Unexpected expense."
Who on earth shows up for a gun class expecting to not pay??? 

"Never turn away those who come to us. Never chase after those who leave from us."
- Hirata Kanae

That may be the case, but the Rifleman will never again spot anyone for gun classes.  "Friends" included. 

Post edit - between the time of authoring, and the time of publishing, the individual mentioned herein utilized Facebook's "block" feature on the Rifleman. Yet again, the trash takes itself out.   


  1. Once, I accompanied a friend to such a class to be only an observer. I had prior permission from the instructor to do so. On the spur of the moment I decided to fill an empty slot. I did not have the ability to pay but promised to do so within one day. (the cost was a lot more than $110.) I was allowed to participate albeit grudgingly. I felt like a heel.

    While this may seem different, in my mind it is the same for it presented extra work for the instructor to collect. Except I did not expect something for free. And while $100 dollars is $100 it is a pittance in the scheme of things. Afterwards, I bought several hats and copies of their book to compensate them for their extra effort.

    I am cheap but I draw the line at defrauding a person. I mess up but I do try to not be a total weasel.


  2. Also, due to my misunderstanding the course description at another class, I though lunch was provided to all. Actually, lunch was provided but to a select group. So I didn't pack a full lunch. That group did graciously share with me and I was careful to eat only a small bit. When they refused my cash I asked for contact information so I may donate to their charity.

    I guess what I am saying is there may be reasons not apparent why a cheapskate appears as such. However, I have well learned not to spot others when their screwups are intentionally calculated to take advantage of the kindness of others. Unfortunately it is those sops who make it difficult for those who do deserve kindness.

  3. Just for fun, you should at the very least, spend another few cents, and send the person a letter via snail mail, explaining calmly that in the past the way you have always dealt with such a circumstance as this was to allow 2 weeks to pass, and then to have your brother in law, the lawyer, begin the process of a civil suit, with enough to cover not only the cost of the class, but also the expenses of the legal fees involved in getting the original money paid. But reassure him that those fees are usually only about 200$ or so, on top of the original money owed. I doubt you will get any response, but it might be fun to try.


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