Shooting at 355

The setup.  Rucksack, rifle, shooting sock. 
But, for this drill, no rucksack or shooting sock was needed. 

The Rifleman came across a target of opportunity at 355 yards.  With magazine rested on the ground, the target was engaged:

3 shots. 3 hits. 

But, there are some that say the Rifleman's rifle is why he makes the hits. After all, it is a custom built specialty rifle capable of incredible accuracy. 

The Rifleman contends that one cannot buy accuracy. One can, however, prevent accuracy by going too cheap. 

So, let's try the same drill with a regular rifle.  How about, say, an M16A4 clone?

Let's give ol' Addie a workout, shall we?

3 shots, prone. Rested on magazine.  From 355 yards:

3 more hits. 

And here is the view to the target, and from the target. 


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