Term Limits

Over the weekend, Senator John McCain from Arizona passed away.

For the sake of brevity, the Rifleman will avoid mentioning the scandals associated with McCain's military service. Additionally, for the sake of brevity, McCain's service in the US Senate can be summed up with two words - term limits.

He was a constant thorn in the side for the Right. He would vote lockstep with democrats for 5 years, then vote slightly Republican every election year in order to get reelected. Simply put, he was #GlobalistScum . Its telling when the people who were saying the nicest things about him were Bill Clinton,  Barack Obama, and CNN.

Good riddance. 

Now, let's get term limits in place so we don't have to wait for the other #GlobalistScum to die in order to get them out of office. 


  1. I will also not speak too directly about John McCain, save to say that I send his family my condolences. That I could have written the same thing while he was alive, is perhaps as harsh as I will get.

    As far as term limits, I say NRA. Never Re-elect Anyone. Actually here in Michigan, we enacted term limits quite some time ago. That it has worked, is obvious, since when anyone runs for office and says that they are totally in agreement with term limits, in their last year of their last term, they usually come out with a statement saying how they didn't realize how tough the job was to learn, and how long it took to build relationships, etc. Then they go on to complain about term limits. That is how I know we did right.
    Of course, we always get the representative who term limits out, and then runs for the senate. But I can live with that.

    My favorite example of a rotten politician from Michigan, is Candace Miller. She was our Sec.of State in Michigan, who ran and got elected to the U.S. house of reps. It was her doing that got all the flags in the Rayburn tunnel removed because some of them have confederate flags on them. She is no longer in the house of representatives, but came home to Michigan and got a job as the Macomb county public works commissioner. Suffice it to say the she ran against a semi corrupt democratic politician who had the office for two decades, and was able to encourage those builders who wanted permits from him to attend fund raisers he put on, often buying a whole batch of tickets for the events. Ths money was huge, and the democrat was in continual fund raising mode. I suspect that good old Candy wanted to get her hands in the same thing, in the South East part of the state, where most of the population is. She is an inspiration to all rotten politicians everywhere. https://www.newsweek.com/capitol-hill-remove-state-flags-confederate-images-450852


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