Red Pill For My Son

The Rifleman, in keeping with red pill philosophy, teaches the Ninja proper philosophy. Among these things, the concept of marriage and divorce. For the purpose of this article, we show use two key blog sources for material.

How to Pick the Right Wife - Bold ad Determined
7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child - Roosh V

Importance of proper spouse selection
Victor Pride of Bold and Determined lays it out:

Picking the right wife is of utmost importance. Marriage is a life-long commitment and requires a great deal of forethought. Getting married without a plan and without any forethought is a terrible decision.

Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You've got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work.

Purpose of Marriage
Again, Victor Pride is on the money:

There are only two reasons a man should ever get married:

1) He wants to start a family.

2) His career or political ambitions demand he has a wife (he is interested in going into politics).

Roosh V's requirements:
1. She must be between 18-25 years old
2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin
3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range
4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself
5. She must be feminine
6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother
7. She must believe in a god

Victor Pride's requirements:
1) She should be young.
2) She has to come from an intact family with original mother and father.
3) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.
4) She must have the natural body type you prefer.
5) She must be image conscious.
6) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.
7) She must be a “good” girl.
8) She must have no problem signing a pre-nuptial agreement.
9) She should change herself for you.
10) She must look up to you and respect you.
11) She should not have any children from a previous affair.
12) She should be a smiler.

Lots of overlap. And all good requirements.  


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