More on the Myth of the Alpha Female

A reader writes in:
"Rifleman, we all know your thoughts on the Alpha Female. You've also gone on record saying you agree with sources that say all a woman is looking for in a man is access to resources. So how do you explain the situation where the alpha female is the primary or sole breadwinner and her husband is not - why did she marry?"

Excellent question... let's dig in.

Marriage in the US legal system is a financial contract. It overwhelmingly favors the female.  Why would a female in a far superior financial position want to enter such a contract?

1. Biology
"He chose ME!!!" is the overwhelming mindset of marriage in females.  Having a moment in the spotlight demonstrating this is hardwired into the female psyche.

2. Zero Risk
In relationships where the woman is the primary breadwinner, she is usually out-earning the male by a paltry sum.  The relationships where she makes big bucks and he makes little or nothing are very, very rare. Typically, if she is making, say, $50K, he will be making $35K. She is still using him for resources - with zero risk. When divorce happens (and it almost always does in these situations), she won't have to pay a dime.  He usually has to pay a bit. 

3. Some Resources
Given the same example - she makes $50K and he makes $35K - she still gets access to an $85K lifestyle that she cannot get on her own.  In these relationships,  she has the nicer car. She chose the house (and they are mortgaged up to their eyeballs). She has the nice things.  He gets table scraps from time to time. 

4. No other options.
The $50K woman is not likely to nab an $85K+ man.  She is too career oriented and lacks femininity. She has been forced to settle.  An Alpha Male does not marry a competitor, he marries a helpmeet.

NAWALT - "Not All Women Are Like That" - is purely BS. 
All Women Are Like That (AWALT).


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