Chest Rig Setup

The chest rig or battle belt is the perfect accessory to your combat rifle.  What should you carry on your rig? Here are the minimums. 

Magazines - at least 3 extra rifle magazines.
IFAK / blowout kit.
Tools - flashlight and multitool. 
Admin pouch - pen and paper.  Waterproof is best. 

Plates are a good consideration... depending on your wants and needs. 

Blowout kit contents:
(Easily accessible by either hand)
1 EMT shears
1 tourniquet
Two rolls gauze.
To chest seals.

IFAK minimum contents:
 1 tourniquet
 1-2 hemostatic gauze
 1-2 Pressure Bandages
 2 rolled gauze
 2 triangle Bandages
 1 NPA
 2 Chest Seals
 1 EMT shears


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