9 Sayings

 9 Navy SEAL Sayings That Will Improve Engagement And Accountability In Your Organization 

This article was definitely worth linking. Below are the 9 sayings:

1. The only easy day was yesterday. 
2. It pays to be a winner. 
3. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 
4. I persevere and thrive in adversity. 
5. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my team and accomplish the mission.
6. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. 
7. We demand discipline. We expect innovation. 
8. Embrace the pain. 
9. I am never out of the fight.


  1. You often post useful information (like this post) and I value it, even if I theorize that it puts me on a watchlist.

    1. I figure if we aren't on a watchlist, then we aren't living life correctly.


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