You Bore Me


To those of you that wail on about guns whenever there's a gun free zone shooting:

You bore me.

You bore me because you have neither an intellectually valid argument, nor any statistics that validate your side of the debate. All you have is raw emotion. Raw, feminine, immature, pathetic, emotion. You are impervious to fact. Debating you usually takes on the characteristics of the logic of a 9 year old child. Most of you don't even know the origins of, or the reason FOR the Second Amendment; much less the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, OR the history surrounding the founding of our country.

I find you willfully ignorant, socially suicidal, emotionally and morally pathetic.

“GUN FREE ZONES” didn’t, and haven’t, stopped ANY of these school shootings. Not a single one. Nor will they. EVER.


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