The Imperfect Pastor

Pastors are people. Nobody is perfect.  That means no pastor is perfect.  Sadly, too many people expect perfection. 

To compound problems, many pastors these days are Gammas. This means their responses to imperfection can often draw more ire than the imperfection would have drawn, had the pastor dismissed and ignored.

Well, one pastor got the memo. Perry Noble penned quite possibly the most alpha response by a pastor in recent memory. Folks accused him of being imperfect, therefore unqualified to be a pastor. He agreed and amplified:

I Am Unqualified 

An exerpt:
I Timothy 3
Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, 

All so often in my life I was absolutely NOT above reproach.
I have, on more than one occasion, gossiped about others.
There have been way too many “not so clean” jokes I’ve either told or laughed at.
There is no doubt I did not tell the truth at the DMV when they asked about my weight.

The entire article is like this.  Toward the end is the most poignant statement:
As I've said before - I have never honestly felt qualified in my life, but was reminded recently in a sermon I listened to that God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.  

The Rifleman is fairly certain that Noble is no Alpha. Nevertheless, you would do well to read his blog on the regular. 


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