All I Needed to Know

Seen on the interwebs:
All I really need to know, I learned from Red Dawn (the real one):

Interaction with communists too early in the morning is never good.

Always have a gun in your truck.

It's already loaded.

A little preparedness, planning, and experience goes a long, long way.

You can piss in a radiator.

Conflict amongst your peers is inevitable, and should be sorted out as quickly as possible.

The 4473 and gun control in general, is a crime against the people of this nation perpetrated by communists, for communists.

Even when things are at their worst, good people will be willing to help, even if they cant actively participate.

Information isn't just power, its also essential for morale.

If you have the option, stay away from town.

Its OK for men to cry....When their father is a political prisoner of communists.

Prepare your children to avenge you.

There are certain turning points in life where a decision you make, means nothing will ever be the same again.

"Living here" does indeed impart rights that others are not guaranteed.

If you can AK, do.

Be like Robert. Always be like Robert. It will keep you warm.

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

There is a list, and if you've lived a life thats worth a fuck, you're already on it.

Communism / Socialism are particularly nasty ideologies and have been the breeding ground for mass murder world wide.

Warrior women are a blessing, if you can tame one.

Pilots are sarcastic, and damn good people to have around, even when there are no planes that need to be flown.

Career politicians are traitors to the people who entrust them with their votes. So are their kids (fuck you Daryl).

You are going to lose people you love along the way. Honor their memory.

Brothers and family, always. It means way more than you think it does, and isn't just about blood.

If you're gonna die, die fighting (be like Robert).

Its OK to cry when Jed and Matty die. They died well.

Someone has to live.

People will remember the good you do, long after you do it.


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