What Did They Protest?

Protesters who do not know what they are protesting. Millennials may be the first generation to protest to have their rights taken away. Pictured is one protester whose total ignorance is made abundantly clear. 

On this protester's pullover is a picture of a Spartan helmet, along with the phrase, molon labe. Molon labe was the phrase yelled by Spartan warrior king Leonidas. When told by his enemy to throw down his weapons,  Leonidas replied "molon labe" - come and take them. The clear sentiment was that his weapons would not be taken without a fight.

The ignoramus pictured also holds a sign which reads, "NRA, there is blood on your hands." The clear meaning is that she feels guns are evil and must be banned.  Of course, no NRA member has ever been the shooter in a mass murder.  The NRA doesn't sell guns. 

Yet another sign at a protest. This time, the sign reads, "Donald Trump if your place of work is a gun free zone, then why isn't mine?" Naturally, this is equally as asinine as the first photograph, as schools are gun free zones. Schools have been gun free zones since 1990 (hmmm...), with the Gun Free School Zone Act.

Summed up, the protests were not really protests, they were propaganda demonstrations.  Most of the children who "walked out," did so because they would be punished if they hadn't, or because kids like to get out of school. The few who actually did protest fall into one of three main groups: anti-American thugs, idiots, or globalists with evil intentions.


  1. I asked the very question. What are they protesting. We have had guns laws, laws against murder, harming others, etc. for years. Taking away your freedom for the sake of safety is delusional.


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