If Confiscation

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

- Sun Tzu

With all of the talk of gun control lately, it is important to analyze the enemy, and prepare for the most likely courses of action. Naturally, the only enemies a gun has are rust and politicians. Dealing with rust is easy - it is preventative maintenance, clean and oil them regularly.

Dealing with the politicians is a bit more problematic. So let's dive into the primary plan and The Back-up Plan.

The primary plan is easy - it is unlikely that the House, the Senate, and the President all sign-off on gun control measures.  Sure, the Senate may pass something, because of all of the feckless #Cuckservative Republicans that are in the Senate. Only a third of the Senate is up for election in any given election cycle, so Senators frequently rely on voter forgetfulness and time healing wounds.

That said, Congress is up for election every cycle. Congressmen are well aware of the fact that gun control is a political death sentence. Put these two facts together, and very few Republicans will jump ship. Certainly not enough to pass a bill.

But let's just suppose but a bill is passed and signed into law. We all know that tighter restrictions are akin to registration. We all know that registration leads to confiscation. The end goal of all gun control is... control. The desired result of gun control is a disarmed public... subjects.

But how will the subjects be disarmed?

The Rifleman supposes that there will be a certain percentage of the public who will willingly turn in their guns. Should it ever come to Civil War, these are the folks who need to be shot immediately, as they are traitors.

The rest of the disarmament will happen through confiscation. The rest of the confiscation will be carried out by one of three entities - local law enforcement, alphabet agencies (FBI, ATF, etc.), or the military. But how did these three entities stack up? Will they actually perform the confiscation, or will they honor the Constitution?

Alphabet Agencies (FBI, ATF, etc.)
We already know that these organization are, at least 80% thrown in with the Left. Their problem will be man power - they just don't have it. Look for these agencies to use harassment techniques, and pinpoint gun owners one by one. Constitutional rights and due process mean nothing to these agencies, so look for them to gladly help with confiscation.

Local law enforcement
The Rifleman suspect that this group is pretty close to 50-50. There are many good LEOs. There are also more than enough jack-booted thugs, leftoid creeps, and power hungry statists in the ranks of local law enforcement. As an example, the sheriff of Broward County, Florida (or is it, Coward County?)

The typical local law enforcement officer who would be in favor of gun confiscation is not going to have the patience are precision to do pinpoint targeting, like the alphabet agencies. Look for these groups to organize SWAT teams, and the like. Granted, the good LEOs may not pitch in to help on me, but that is not certain. How many times have we seen a good cop stand by and do nothing while a bad cop broke the law?

The military
The military, as a whole, will be about 80% thrown in with the Right. I do not believe that the majority would allow themselves to be used in gun confiscation endeavors. Sure, there are a few bad apples here and there in the military. But the majority will uphold the Constitution, broadly speaking.

Civil War
If it does come to Civil War, just remember the following -
I: Stand your ground...
II: Do not fire unless fired upon...
III: If they mean to have a war, let it begin here (Defend Yourselves!)...
IV: When war is begun, go find something Evil and kill it...
V: Traitors first...


  1. A good cop who stands idly by while a bad cop does his thing is not a good cop, both are bad cops. When the shooting starts, shoot the bad cop first then while the 'good' cop stands there wondering how could you? shoot him.


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