Black Panther Reviewed

This is a review of the movie, Black Panther, a Marvel Comics superhero.

The above meme covers the bulk of the Rifleman's political observations on the movie. The Rifleman would at this though, the primary bad guy in the movie was the so-called "Black Power" pedler.

The acting was what you would come to expect from Marvel Comics movies. Same for the action. The action was good, not the best the Marvel has ever offered, but solid. Unlike Captain America: Civil War, this was not a superhero fest.

While the so-called critics are giving this movie top marks, saying things like "innovative," "cutting edge," and "unlike any Marvel movie prior," the fact of the matter is that this movie is a typical introduce the new hero movie.

In a typical introduce the hero movie, the hero is pitted against a villain who has similar attributes and powers. Iron Man had to face off against an evil man in an Iron Man type suit. Captain America had to face off against an evil man, Red Skull, who was an enhanced via the super soldier serum. Hulk had to Face Off against an evil version of the same, Abomination. The same is true for Ant-Man, and virtually the same for Spider-Man, as well.

Black panther was no different. He had to face off against an evil man who was enhanced via the same potion, and wore a similar suit. To Marvel's credit, the main villain, Killmonger, had a somewhat more interesting facts story than the typical villain. But, in the end, it was the same rehashed thread.

Curiously, the only superhero for whom this pattern was not true, was Thor.

Overall verdict hyphen three stars out of five. Solid movie, but nothing groundbreaking. That said, a solid movie these days is far better than the bulk of the crap that Hollywood puts out.


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