Fast Thoughts

Quick hitters from social media:

Modern day feminism is a disease.

Not everyone accused of a sex offense is guilty. Not every accuser is telling the truth.

People saying a child can choose their sex are trying to push society closer to saying a child can choose sex.

Social Justice Warriors are not working class heroes. They are bourgeois arts graduates with no aptitude for science or business, who feel bitter at the large disparity between their high self-evaluation and their low prospects.

Whites are done with ethnomasochism and our racial debasement. White Guilt is over and there is nothing anyone can do about it. #ItsOKtoBeWhite

Fire Currie.

"Polls" currently have Moore leading the Alabama Senate race by 5 - 7%. It's gonna be 58% - 35%. +/- 3% on either.

Washington Post national security reporter admits evidence of Russian collusion "maybe doesn't exist at all," calls story a "f**king crap shoot.

Everyone who has opposed Trump has gone down in flames.  Trump's Law - those who are the most vocally anti-Trump also have the biggest skeletons in their closets. 


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