The Trumpening

Today marks the first anniversary of the #Trumpening .

The stock market is growing at a record Pace. The economy is booming. Things are getting done. The swamp is being drained. Leftists are losing their minds (wait, did they ever have them?). And #FakeNews is more fake than ever.

In short, there is much to celebrate.

Remember 365 short days ago? The #FakeNews was telling us that there was a 92% chance that Hillary would win. Well, here are screenshots, time and date stamped, from your humble blogger's Bookface account, detailing the correct prediction.

Never question my sources. I am the source.

Actually, if you follow this blog, you already know my sources. And you know them to be very trustworthy. Way better than #FakeNews .


  1. This still makes me smile.


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