Divorce Spreads Like A Disease

Some time back, one of my wife's friends filed for divorce. As soon as this happened, I immediately instructed my wife to distance herself from that friend. Some of the details of the situation provide some good learning tools, so here they are.

First, good friend of mine implicated that this particular woman was filing for divorce, in part, due to abuse. Now, I love my friend dearly, but he is not well versed in social interaction, intuitiveness, and reading between lines. He tends to take people at face value - which can be a good or bad thing, depending on the face. Anyone with a basic knowledge of This Woman's situation knew that it would be impossible for her husband to have been abusive. I said as much. My friend and I agreed to disagree. However, it came out later that the abuse charge was totally false.

Second, you will notice that I instructed my wife to stay away from this woman. I did not ask my wife to stay away from her. I did not suggest that my wife stay away from her. I did not hint that my wife might want to stay away from her. I instructed my wife to stay away. Being the Biblically ordained head of the household means understanding when to lay down the law, and when to yield - otherwise known as knowing which hill to die on.

Third, this woman who was getting a divorce slightly shifted her Social Circles. Interestingly enough, but not at all unexpected, her two closest friends are now in the process of filing for divorce. Each of these three women has at least three children. Most of these children had social issues prior to the divorce - we can only imagine how this is going to turn out.

Fourth, all of these husbands had a dominant wage position in the household. Whether these women know it or not, they are signing up for a life of poverty. There are many statistics out there that indicate this.

There are many more things to learn from this situation, but these stuck out to me the most.


  1. Exactly correct.

    When having troubles in my own marriage my wife asked if she could talk to other women about our marriage. I said yes but only if confining herself to elder women, long married. I was sure to caution and instruct her to completely avoid certain women, primarily the divorced woman. My wife did not listen to me and the results were predictable. I can positively point to two divorced women who were significant in my wife filing for the D. A third woman, a real misandrist and instigator was nearly as toxic as the others.

    There is more to the wily ways of these women but the point is as you have said.

    1. Hate to hear that. I truly wish your experience was strictly anecdotal. But, as you mentioned, these results are sadly predictable.


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