Divorce Porn Defined

One of the most destructive influences on modern society is divorce. The combination of no-fault divorce, antiquated alimony and child support laws, and over-reaching family courts has turned divorce into a multibillion-dollar industry. This industry destroys everything in its path, and only benefits divorce attorneys and judges.

Depending on your source, anywhere between 65% and 94% of all US marriages will ultimately  end in divorce. Also, depending on your sources, women initiate between 70% and 90% of all divorces. According to the statistics at the link above, and most other online sources, women fare very poorly in a divorce from a financial standpoint. This despite the fact that women are often awarded half or more of the man's income and assets.

So why do women initiate divorce? Although many women claim abuse, the actual figures are that less than 10% of divorces end because of abuse wherein the man was convicted of an assault related crime. Although many women claim cheating, again less than 10% of divorces and because the man was unfaithful. Depending on your sources, these two categories rarely combine to be much more than 12% to 15%. Although there are many good indicators of a woman who is more likely to divorce, an up-and-coming factor is divorce porn.

Divorce porn - the pedestalizing of divorce.

Divorce porn is the modern pushing of acceptance of divorce as not only normal and healthy, but desirable in many cases. Divorce porn directly sells women on the idea of "upgrading" their husbands. It is a term which refers to how our society glorifies divorce.

Women, who tend to hen peck happy peers, often encourage one another to get divorced in an attempt to ruin the other woman's happiness. Social media has provided so many more platforms for this to happen. So what happens as one woman expresses her negative emotions about a single action by her husband, and the female peers pounce. They throw the man under the bus (as if Society doesn't do that enough, already). And the process repeats. Eventually, after so much negative interaction about the man, it begins to look good to divorce him.

And in this way, and other similar ways, this cancer spreads from Woman to Woman. Just as many men may view regular pornography as a means to get a fix, these women get a fix from throwing their husband under the bus. If something is repeated often enough, one tends to believe it - regardless of the veracity. Soon, divorce seems a better option, then living with a man perceived to be evil.


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