Agreed Advice

In advance of the predictable backlash, please see this statement first:

Marriage as defined by the US Legal System does not at all resemble marriage as discussed in the Bible.

The two are separate entities entirely. One bears no semblance of the other.  It is unfortunate they share the same name.  For this article, the term "marriage" shall refer to the definition used by the legal system, unless otherwise noted.

There is  no reason for men in the US to marry.
What exactly does marriage offer men today? “Men know there’s a good chance they’ll lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money and — if it all goes wrong — their family,” says Helen Smith, Ph.D., author of "Men on Strike." “They don’t want to enter into a legal contract with someone who could effectively take half their savings, pension and property when the honeymoon period is over.Men aren’t wimping out by staying unmarried or being commitment phobes. They’re being smart.”

But, if a man does decide to marry, he needs to set forth some  minimum requirements for the potential spouse. 
1. She must be between 18-25 years old.
2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin.
3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range.
4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself.
5. She must be feminine.
6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother.
7. She must believe in a god.

This funny clip goes into more of the age detail.
Specifically, if a man does marry, the wife should be half his age, plus seven. If we superimpose the ages of 18-25 into that equation, then the man should be between 22 and 36. Since a man really ought never marry before age 30, we should adjust this just a bit:
Men who wish to marry ought to be aged 30-45.
The woman he wishes to marry should be 18-25.

Also, I would add that her God needs to match his. 


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