
In 2006, your humble blog author found himself at a town hall-style meeting, where the US Senate candidates for Tennessee were debating. On the Republican side were Bob Corker, Ed Bryant, and Van Hilleary. The sole Democrat candidate, Harold Ford, Jr., sent a representative in his stead.

Each of the guests at this town hall meeting were permitted to write down to potential questions for the candidates. Not all questions were chosen, but your humble blog author did get the opportunity to ask his question to the candidates.

The question: " Given that there is a demonstrable correlation between tax reduction and elevated tax revenues, and given that the US budget is in deficit spending, what are your plans to reduce taxes?"

Harold Ford, Jr. representative - "We are in deficit spending, and the only way to get out of that is to raise taxes on the rich."

Ed Bryant - <<<Lays out a plan to cut specific taxes that harm the middle class the worst.>>>

Van Hilleary - " You are right there is a correlation between reduced tax rates, and increased tax revenues. If it is a tax, I seek to reduce or eliminate it."

Then it got fun...

Bob Corker - "Where are you from, sir?"

Usagi - "Chattanooga is my hometown, sir. But I currently reside here in the Nashville area."

Corker - "Then you are familiar with all the good I was able to accomplish for your hometown..."

Usagi [interrupts] - "Actually, I escaped in a balloon before you demolished the place."

<<< laughter in the room >>>

Midget-man Corker tried to stare a hole in me.


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