Revoke the Man-Card

From this article,

The problem for men is that there are no good women left since feminism has created a sea of entitled, worthless, bitter women that no man needs to take a risk on. And there are loads of manginas who enable these women, by going on social media and worshiping them with ‘likes’ and, “Oh gurl you’re so hot” even if the chick is a 5 or a landwhale. If you do this, you are part of the problem—propping up the egos of women who don’t deserve it.

Enter this recent copy & paste Bookface quote:

Me too.

We all know that we’re not the only one. But even I am so saddened by the number of women I am friends with who I see have gone through this too in their life. I love you all.

If you are a man, you should never click "like" on this status or any like it.  If you have, you need to promptly turn in your man-card, assuming you haven't turned it in already. 


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