#Libtards Abound

A friend shares his thoughts on Vegas and gun control.  Posted with his permission.

My brothers and sisters, let me tell you about my morning. I walk into work this morning and get bombarded by people wanting to fight about gun control.  Well crap I just want to drink my coffee for a minute.

I know I don't need to tell you all this but people are stupid when it comes to this subject. First question - why should the shooter be allowed to own so many guns? Answer, to my knowledge he purchased them legally and never been in trouble to prevent the purchase.

Why should someone be allowed to buy an automatic gun?
Reply - you can't just go buy a full auto.
Counter - yes you can because Gander Mountain sold them before they went out.
Reply - they sold automatic weapons?
Counter - YES they did I saw them .
Reply - you see this is what is wrong with the left. You are so uneducated on the subject, you want to spew out about things you are dead wrong about. Terms like semi automatic and automatic are used you all you hear is automatic.

It seems I get this crap all the time from these people because I am open about my feelings about America , freedom and guns. I walk in everyday with my EDC with a medical kit strapped on it. They just see me as a gun toting nut.

Folks - it's a never ending battle against The #Narrative .


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