Cruz Girl For Trump

A person who felt Trump was her "lesser of two evils choice" in November weighs in:

I voted Ted Cruz in the primary. I said on social media that I didn't like the way that Trump conducted himself. Since then, I've come to realize a few key things.

Trump was never treated fairly by the Republicans, the Democrwts, or the Press. But life is not fair and I think Trump gets that. He fights back. I like having someone in a position of power who isn't afraid of fighting back.

As conservative as Ted Cruz is, I don't think he would have moved as rapidly as Trump has. He wouldn't have pushed for a wall, lower taxes, travel bans, etc. I do think Trump's conservative pick for the Supreme Court is every bit as conservative as a Cruz appointee would have been. Good chance Gorsuch would have been Cruz' pick, too.

But, and this is a big but, I don't think Cruz would have fought as hard as Trump. We would be hearing very little from him at this point. He would have been rendered nearly useless by the constant attacks from the Left, and the media collusion.

I tend to agree with this reader.


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