Diversity & Proximity

Diversity + proximity = war

Civilization is defined as the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced. In our Western Civilization, we treat people fairly and enjoy the benefits of our culture.

At one time in human history, the main problems faced by humans on a daily basis were 1) how to get something to eat, and 2) how not to get eaten or killed.  In modern Western Civilization,  these concerns are virtually nonexistent. Western Civilization enjoys the lack of these primal concerns predominantly for two reasons: social development and technology. 

Different cultures have different values.  Different cultures have different social values and have different technology. A social construct valued by one civilization is not necessarily valued by another culture.  A technology that is valued by one civilization is not necessarily valued by another culture. 

When a culture is transplanted into a different society without assimilation,  that society's constructs will not be valued.  As a rule, technology will be destroyed or stolen, and societal constructs will be ignored or supplanted. 

This is why diversity + proximity = war.


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