Interesting Challenge

I ran across this video ON YouTube. It is one of the more educational videos I've seen in recent memory.

In summary -
As an experiment, a US Army Marksman, Captain Freeman, shoots the NRA High Power course of fire with a rack grade M4 carbine and M855 ball ammunition.  He discusses his results in the video, and you get to see him shoot. Some notes below.

Freeman normally shoots a 495-ish score, and with the rack grade rifle and ammo, he shot a 420. Max is 500 points.
He never used a sling, citing the torque on the barrel. I mentioned same some 7 years ago.
He was experiencing 20" groups at 300 yards. This is a max effective range for a target that averages 18" wide.
They allowed the rack grade competitors to rest the mag on the ground to compensate for the sling effect. It helped... some.

A quality barrel and free floating makes all the difference.
Good ammo is much better than bulk ammo.
A good trigger is an excellent upgrade, but this becomes less important the more skill you acquire.
Good sighting apparatus is also a good upgrade, but this becomes less important the more skill you acquire.
Heavier match ammo bucks the wind much better.


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