Some Commentary

This was posted by a liberal on Facebook. Interesting points and my comments in bold.

I feel some compulsion to try to come up with a comprehensive, unified theory of yesterday, but I can’t do it.  Too tired, too depressed, too busy.  And frankly, still hoping that Mom is going to wake me up and tell me I’m about to be late for school.  Instead of that unified theory, then, I’m going to offer some random thoughts that seem to me to be important.  In no particular order, and without trying to synthesize them into any sort of conclusion:
Typical liberal response: want to hide from reality.

1. We have a democratic, Constitutionally-enshrined process, and it worked.  It didn’t work the way I wanted it to, or apparently the way that a majority of the people who voted wanted it to, but it worked the way it was designed to.  For 240 years, we’ve been built around the peaceful transition of power through an electoral process, and we did it again.  And in that regard, the office deserves respect, and the person who is elected to it is entitled to a presumption that he or she will act in good faith and in what he or she believes to be the best interests of the country.  I don’t like him or trust him, and I didn’t vote for him, but he got his voters out and he won.  He’s entitled to our prayers and thoughtful support. Oh, and kill the [hashtag]notmypresident stuff.  That’s not the way it works.
Well said.

2. Like many of you, and notwithstanding the foregoing, I’m afraid of the next four years.  That having been said, we should not over-worry about what President Trump will actually accomplish, as opposed to what he pontificates about.  First, events and politics always force elected officials toward the middle, no matter where they start out.  Second, even though it is strained, we do have a system of checks and balances that works.  Imperfectly, but it works.  Third, much of what Trump has proposed, inside and outside the Republican platform, is impossible, politically, practically and/or economically.  The wall is going to be built and 11 million undocumented aliens are going to be deported right after President Obama closes down Guantanamo, you know?  Fourth, much of government is in the hands of an entrenched bureaucracy that doesn’t much care who the President is.  Change is hard, and slow.
I think the main difference is Obama is a liar. He promised to close Guantanamo to get elected with no intention of doing so. I think Trump has a history of delivering what he promises.

3. God remains in charge, and faithful to us.  No election changes that.
Yes, and this is also a passive-aggressive cop out. And yes, I saw scaredy-cat #churchians putting up the same line on Monday, November 7.

4. One of my friends posted this morning that she could no longer tell her daughters that they could grow up to be President.  That’s an understandable reaction, but not a fair one. Hillary Clinton did not lose because she was a woman (although there are doubtless many people who didn’t vote for her for that reason; some people, including some women, feel that way, and we have to take comfort that their numbers diminish generationally).  Hillary Clinton lost for lots of reasons, one of which was that she was the specific woman she was, with the baggage she carried.  Some of that baggage was illusory (Benghazi, her “health issues”).  Some of it was real, but unfair (she stayed married to a philanderer, something a surprising number of alleged Christian conservatives apparently think is worse than being a philanderer or, for that matter, being a serial divorcer – you know that you can’t fit all the Mrs. Trumps, Mrs. Gingriches and Mrs. Giuliani’s in an eight-passenger van?  But I digress).  Some of it was both real and fair (in three decades in public life, Mrs. Clinton’s arrogance, her the-rules-are-for-other-people attitude, and her penchant for acknowledging error only in years when the Cubs win the Series have grown tiresome for lots of folks).  But frankly, her biggest challenge, and one that she could not overcome despite her best efforts, was the position that history gave her – trying to be the first woman President immediately after the first African-American President.  As I have written before, and as I firmly believe, a lot of the hostility toward President Obama came from a basic, almost primal conviction among a lot of white Americans of around my age and older that Trump tapped into quite well – the conviction that everything they had been raised to believe in was going to hell, and that that was symbolized by the fact that The Other was now in the White House, when it was only supposed to be occupied by Us.  The idea of another four years of The Other  - in this case, a woman - was too much for a lot of those people.  So yes, the fact that Mrs. Clinton was not a man worked against her, quite unfairly, but I don’t think it’s reasonable or accurate to say that her defeat means my friend’s daughters, or mine, can’t grow up to be President.  Mrs. Clinton was not simply a woman; she was a woman with a unique set of baggage that, in the end, proved too much to carry at the particular point in history when she had to carry it.
Clinton's baggage was very real - her health and the emails. That you would trivialize it proves you are either stupid or have an agenda.

5.  I’m already seeing mems from Trump supporters making fun of the "sensitive safe-spacers".  What Trump’s supporters must understand is that their candidate created an atmosphere of fear and intolerance that we have not seen in a serious Presidential candidate in my lifetime, not even George Wallace. Trump, as a central theme of his campaign, repeatedly and specifically attacked immigrants, Muslims, women, Jews, Republicans(!), major portions of the Constitution, veterans, the military, the news media, on and on.  (Perhaps oddly enough, he didn’t spend much time directly attacking African-Americans and the LGBT community, except by implication, but he surrounded himself with those who did, including his Vice President.) Further, he built a campaign around encouraging mob violence.  Sneer all you want, folks, but people have legitimate fears about not only what a President Trump will do, but what the elements he encourages and tolerates will do, and you owe those fears some respect.  What Van Jones said was right; I woke up this morning afraid of how to tell my children that a man they feared, a man who has embodied the very opposite of almost every value I’ve tried to teach them, had been elected.  I’ve never faced that problem after an election before.  I pray to God I never have to do it again.
The atmosphere of fear was created by your Legacy Media. It was not based in fact. Liberal positions are never based in fact. He never attacked Muslims, immigrants, etc. And for a liberal to speak of attacking major portions of the Constitution is laughable.

6.  James Comey should have the grace to resign.  What a disgrace.

7. The mainstream news media must do some serious soul-searching.  I read parts of the Washington Post almost every day.  It is far from perfect, but it remains one of the best examples of journalism available in the U.S., where journalism is almost extinct.  That having been said, day in and day out for the last year or more the Post has featured five or six stories and op-ed pieces on the evils of Donald Trump.  Not only did that give Trump enormous free publicity; it reinforced in the mind of the core Trump voters that their candidate was the enemy of an “establishment” that they had come to distrust.  The more the Post and the New York Times vilified him, the more Trump’s supporters believed he was their savior.  The media let us down badly.
The media let you down, yes. They let you down by throwing all in on Hillary, and dropping any pretense of fair play. They don't need to do soul searching, as they are too far lost in their biases. They no longer report news, they fabricate stories. Fiction. Trump did not win because of "free publicity."

8. The Republican Party must do even more serious soul-searching, if they can find the souls they sold to Donald Trump.  I am, as I have said, a lifelong Republican supporter.  When I watch those who should be the watchdogs of our liberty afraid to stand up to someone who is a petty, venal demagogue because they fear that Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or SarahfergoshsakesPalin are going to make fun of them, I ask how can our party, how can a responsible conservative movement, survive?  When I watch them prostrate themselves before a candidate who doesn’t even support traditional Republican positions, a candidate who counter-programs against his own party’s convention, a candidate who attacks his party’s own incumbents, I ask why should our party survive?
The Republican party is dead. Conservatism ad you reference is also dead. The Alt-Right has come. It is the dominant political force in the US. But, I understand why you want to restore the #cuckservative arm of the Republican party - your liberals can beat that, easily and repeatedly.

9. Please take paragraph 8 and insert “the Christian Right” everywhere the words “the Republican Party” appear, and then repeat.  It still more-or-less works.
Call them #churchians . Their movement is equally dead like the #cuckservative movement.

10. We the people, and frankly mostly we the conservative people, must demand better for ourselves.  The willingness of people in this country, and especially of people who consider themselves conservatives and/or Republicans, to believe the utter cr-p that comes out of made-up “news” sites, to share the vilest lies without the slightest effort to verify them, to believe that any slur, any lie, any slander, any callous disrespect may be excused by saying “I’m tired of being politically correct”, to cheerfully tell large numbers of God’s created beings that God doesn’t love them because of who they sleep with or who they marry or how they worship or who they vote for – that willingness makes me sad beyond belief.  They say that we get the candidates we deserve, and sadly, I’m coming to believe that.  And until we take the responsibility to demand more of ourselves – more wisdom, more insight, more fairness, more love – I don’t see how we can say we deserve better.  Franklin reputedly said that the Constitutional Convention had given us “a republic, if you can keep it”.  We need to earnestly ask ourselves what we’re doing to keep it, and that starts with using our brains, our hearts and our immortal souls.
This liberal ideal of "demanding better" out of conservative candidates is the trap. They then attack the slightest imperfection until the candidate is no longer viable. This is why Conservatism is dead. #Cuckservatives and #churchians have aided and abetted the liberals in this goal.

As I said, I'm sorry I haven’t been able to organize my thoughts in a more orderly fashion.  If there is someone I’ve failed to offend, shoot me a PM and I’ll try to think of something.  In the meantime, pray for our President, our President-Elect and our country, if you’re so inclined.  Pray for those who fear, that they may be comforted.  Pray for those who are victorious, that they will have wisdom and courage.  Pray for our children, and for the American Dream we hope to preserve for them.  Pray for me, if you get around to it.  And if you don’t have time for anything else, pray to God to thank Him for watching over us these 240 years, and ask Him to give us faith that he will continue to do so, both now and forevermore.  G’night.
More passive-aggressive #churchian / #cuckservative / liberal talking points.
Long live the Alt-Right.


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