Comprehensive Voter Reform

This country needs comprehensive voter reform.
Some suggestions:

Miminum Qualifications
Minimum age - 25
No felons
Not receiving government subsidies or welfare.
Not receiving alimony or child support.
Voter ID mandatory in all precincts. One ID per social security number, one vote per ID.
Anyone caught perpetrating voter fraud is permanently barred from voting.

Conditions to be Met
To be eligible to vote, the person shall pass at least two of the following three Conditions:

1. Military service.
The citizen shall be honorably discharged from the US Military.

2. Taxpayer
The citizen shall have a net balance paid in Federal Income tax.
The minimum tax amount paid shall be greater than or equal to 10% of the median household income.
The citizen shall have paid the minimum tax amount in at least two out of the three years prior to the election, and three of the five years prior to the election.

3. Minimum Cognition
The citizen shall pass a cognition test with a minimum acceptable score.
For example - one option would be scoring a 20 or higher on a Wonderlic test.

If these changes were implemented immediately, the US leech society would no longer be able to vote. This would dramatically improve the quality of life in America.


  1. Problem with Number 2: Nonworking spouses have no income. If you let them piggyback on their working other halves, you've diluted your own rule.
    Problem with Number 3: Keeping it honest. Remember the "reading tests" that were used in the South in the 50s? They only seemed to disqualify people of a certain color.
    My idea: Require proof of citizenship (birth cert, natz cert, or passport) before registering. Make a voter's card a photo ID, like a DL. Hand-stamp voters at the polling places. Done honestly, that will eliminate most or all voter fraud.

    1. Thanks for reading!
      In my estimation, the acknowledged problem with #2 is an acceptable risk to get the country back on track. Not everyone needs to vote.

      Your problem with number 3 is acknowledged. It is my estimation that people of all races will be disqualified by this. If POC's are more often disqualified at first, then so be it. The country will be allowed to turn back into a great country and there will be fewer disadvantaged POC's in the future. Plus, it will serve as an incentive for the people who would immediately be disqualified.
      Again, not everyone needs to vote.

      Your point on voter ID is valid, although not explicitly stared in this article, I think that would correct everything for the time being. But it is not a permanent solution.

  2. What? You don't agree with me? You're obviously a racist sexist homophobic----
    Whew! Let me catch my breath.
    I'm not as sanguine about disenfranchising people as you are. Government is, at bottom, naked force (Washington said so himself), and I think history shows that once you give up a right, you'll never get it back without a lot of noise, smoke, and blood. That was even true about the right to drink in the United States.
    I really don't think there is a 100% sure, permanent solution. But I do agree that elections need to be more fraud-proof.


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