Uncommon Valor

For your daily dose of masculinity, here are a few snippets from a man who led a man's life.

When war started, he tries to enlist, but they say he is too young. So he falsified a birth certificate and enlisted.

A year into combat, he and two fellow soldiers were ambushed by enemy fire. One of his buddies gets killed. He responds by killing all five of the enemy with rifle fire and grenades.

Later on, he and his fellow soldiers were taking refuge in a barn. They saw a passing enemy tank. He and his buddies killed the enemy men, then he crawled out and shot the tank with rifle grenades until it was destroyed.

A short while after that, he and fellow troops were trying to capture the enemy. Enemy troops false-surrendered, and killed his friend when the friend got close. This man single handedly charged the enemy position under fire. He proceeded to kill six, wound two more, and had eleven surrender. This time they surrendered for real... they didn't want to get shot.

Once he came under sniper fire. He shot the sniper between the eyes.

Another time, he and fellow troops were ambushed by the enemy. He commandeered a burning enemy tank and returned fire for an hour... until he ran out of ammo. Oh, yeah, for that hour, he was also using his radio to direct artillery fire. Oh, and he was shot in the leg while all this was going on. He got a Medal of Honor for that one.

This man picked up every military combat award for valor.

If you don't know who it is by now, research Audie Murphy. Oh, and he wasn't that good as an actor, just so you know.


  1. The only thing I remember about his films is that everybody was so clean.

  2. I remember reading the official description of the "burning tank" action. Thought it was a burning allied half-track he made use of, and after he thought he'd done all the damage he could from that position, he dismounted. Shortly afterwards it blew up.

    1. Haven't read the official description. There were discrepancies on that and a couple of other points on most Internet searches.

      Still, standing on a burning tank, shooting the enemy and calling in artillery is impressive regardless of whose tank it was.

    2. Haven't read the official description. There were discrepancies on that and a couple of other points on most Internet searches.

      Still, standing on a burning tank, shooting the enemy and calling in artillery is impressive regardless of whose tank it was.


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