How To Have A Happy Wife

Happy wife, happy life.
If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Two true statements. In fact, the only point of contention is how one achieves making momma/wife happy. One thing is for certain - making your wife happy is not achieved by supplicating to her.

This is not how you get a happy wife.

In truth, you cannot make your wife happy. And even if you could,  it's not your job!

But, as with everything else in life, there is a way you can encourage and promote your wife to be happy. And it's not by allowing this to happen:

No, you need to take control of your life, men. Pursue those things that make you happy. Achieve, maintain and demonstrate superior SMV. Master the art of alpha-responses. Master the art of frame. Never supplicate to her, nor to any man in front of her. Take your God-given leadership role in your household. Expect she fulfill her God-given role as wife and mother.

Remember, treat her fairly ("same-treatment" - with respect), but do not go out of your way to ensure her "equality. Remember this graphic:

An all-too-quick primer on Frame:
Amused Mastery - treat her as you would a younger sister or cousin. Do not put her on a pedestal.
Dread game - keep her on her toes. Her fear you have options will make her happy you continue to choose her.
And from this article - believe in your own value.

And, an all-to-quick primer on alpha-reponses:
Agree & amplify
Dismiss and ignore
Ridicule and reframe

Fail to do these at your own peril.


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