Some Small Pointers

Tips to Ponder.

1: Tape the muzzle of your rifle in rural/wilderness environments,  to keep out water, dirt, and other debris. Condoms, or 100mph tape are good to use. You can shoot through the cover if needed with no ill  effects on combat accuracy.

2: Sleep with your weapon locked and loaded, safety engaged. In case your awakened by hostile or hostile fire and have to engage bad guys RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!

3: In the morning, consider quietly replacing the chambered round. Condensation in the chamber combined with powder residue could lead to stuck cases.

4: Lube your weapon thoroughly every day in the field. A wet weapon is a happy weapon. Like your woman....Carry a bottle of lube on your first line gear. Motor oil will work.

5: Keep your safety selector switch on safe UNLESS YOU'RE KILLING SOMEONE. Don't want a negligent discharge because your fingering your trigger.

6: Keep your weapon as slick as possible. NO unnecessary crap. A light, an optic, and a sling. Mission dependant.

7: Inspect and test ALL magazines regularly.  Ensure they feed properly, inspect for bent/damaged feed lips, weak springs, etc. Mark your mags. If one fails during training/range time, THROW IT OUT. It could cost you your life !

8: Never assume your weapon is clean enough when on an Op. At a minimum, wipe down the BCG, and run a patch down the barrel.

9: ALWAYS insert mags into your pouches bullets DOWN.

10: If  a hostile has similar gear to yours, they may have plates as well. Consider hip shots. Hip shots WILL PUT THEM ON THE GROUND. And sets you up for easier head shots.

11: Practice shooting while moving. Try to master hits to Vitals, Hips, and Head while moving.

12: Be sure all velcro closures are closed before leaving on an Op. Make it part of your PCC(PreCombatCheck).

13: Become proficient in getting your mags out quickly, and under stress. Focus!

14: Snaps fail, velcro can come loose. TIE OFF YOUR GEAR! Molle makes gear unlikely to just fall you want to chance it? Run a loop of 550cord on everything.

15: Dummy Cord all important gear that you can lose. Dummy cord can be an inner strand of 550 cord. Tie off flashlights, compasses, whistle, knife, handgun, etc. Anything you don't want to drop and be without.

16: Always carry some kind of knife. Doesn't have to be Rambo. A good pocket folder can suffice.

17: Machetes are for the jungle. Hatchets tend to suck. If you need a hatchet, you probably really need an axe. Tomahawks can be multi use. And they are light weight.

18: Keep some sort of emergency SERE ration in a pocket. Enen if it's a couple boullion cubes to disolve in water, it can motivate you to keep moving. Tape a couple MRE Entrees together in a cargo pocket. Much easier to use versus trying to gather food when you should be evading.

19: Consider having every member carry at least 1 signal flare.

20: In most environments, a poncho, poncho liner, and a casualty blanket with some long underwear and maybe a fleece jacket will be sufficient for sleeping comfortably.

21: Always use the water from your ruck before using the water on your Carrier/LBE/Chest rig. This ensures you have water if you have to ditch your ruck on the run.

22: Check and Double check the straps on your ruck. Carry plenty of 550 cord. You may have to manufacture a new shoulder strap should one fail.

23: Use waterproof, or Zip lock bags to protect important gear and dry clothes/blanket in your ruck. Don't want to pull your woobie out for a nap and it be soaked.

24: Always identify and communicate rally points to your team members.

25: Base the amount of water carried on the Op and the environment. Then MAKE IT LAST

26: Try to plan water resupply points into your plan. Carry some method of water purification 2 day or longer Ops. Starting out with water for 2 or more days adds weight.

27: Ensure no one is carrying anything non mission essential that can lead a hostile back to the house, base, etc.

28: Carry writing gear!! Pencils over pens.

29: Ensure your team medic carries cough meds and antihistamines.  Don't want a sneeze or coughing fit to expose your locale.

30: Keep a basic SERE kit in a pocket, seperate from your fighting gear. Include a fire starter kit, 550 cord, flashlight, knife, water filter. In case you have to ditch all gear to evade.

31: Some gear should have SOP positions on every team member. At least 1 tourniquet should be in the same location.  Maps should be in the same location. Comms instructions should be in the same location. So everyone can grab yours quick if you go down. Leave no info for hostiles.

32: Everyone has a white, 200+Lumen flashlight. But everyone needs some sort of low power, colored light as well.

33: When on patrol, move like you are hunting. Stop moving and look and listen more than you move. Don't be predictable though. Instead of walking 50 meters and stopping for 20 seconds, mix it up. Walk for 50 listen 20, then walk 20 listen 30, ect.

34: Use terrain association more than your compass when possible. Have a point man and a compass man as 2 seperate individuals.  When you have to shoot an azimuth and run it, change direction often, to avoid setting up an enemy ambush for yourself.

35: If you need to put on sniveling gear (gloves/scarves/sock hat), never have more than 25% of your team changing at the same time.

36: If you have to change socks, and you should, never have both boots off at the same time!

37: Wear gloves. Even cheap mechanics gloves.

38: Never leave evidence for trackers. Trash, batteries you changed out, Tabasco spit, etc. ANYTHING THAT CAN BE TRACKED

39: Dig a hole or urinate in a crevice if it's not pouring rain. You can be tracked by where and how tour men urinate.

40: Camo your face and any exposed skin. PAINT YOUR WEAPON!! A solid black rifle CAN give you away.

41: When cleaning your weapon, have another functional weapon nearby, locked and loaded.

42: Unless it is pissing Rain, DO NOT urinate on rocks, leaves, or bare dirt. Dig a hole or look for a crevice. Wet spots, or dried up wet spots are easily idntiiable, even for a non-tracker. Make note that the smel of Urine travels farther if you out in the open.

43: Don't over burden yourelf with extra clothes in your ruck. One dry pair of cammies and 2 pair of socks should suffce. Mission dictates.

44: When halting a patrol for a short rest, do not ditch your ruck. Sit back and lean against your ruck, unless you are going prone. When moving into a RON(remain over night) site, do not remove your ruck until a security sweep has been done.

45: While on patrol, NEVER take the obvious course of action,and don' set a pattern in your actions, like always turnig left when button hooking back to lay a hasty ambush on your own backtrail.

46: A dead hostile's pocket/pack contents can be just as, if not more, important than his rifle. Unless the guy is packng a much superior weapon, then secure and redistribute gear/ammo/rations etc first.


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