What Side Arm?

If you came here looking for a pistol suggestion, then I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

In some recent group training classes I've attended, I've noticed a trend in the side arms worn by fellow Patriot gunfighters. Many men and women wear their concealed carry pistol as a primary sidearm with their battle load out. I wear a full size Smith & Wesson M&P as my battle load out side arm, and a S&W Shield as my concealed carry piece.

It would stand to reason that there are several reasons a person might use a single pistol for both purposes:
- Financial concerns. The gunfighter may only have funds for one sidearm at this time.
- Train like you fight. The gunfighter may not wish to burden himself with learning two different platforms. This makes a lot of sense if a person is concerned he may get the manipulations wrong in the heat of the moment.
- Platform uniformity. This idea is substantially similar to that of training like you fight. The major difference is that a battle load out often has multiple pistol magazines. Therefore, a shrewd gunfighter may decide to consolidate gear as well as training time on pistol manipulation.

Because I've spent considerable time training, and because I keep my platforms simple, I actually feel there's an advantage to having a large sidearm for battle load out, and a smaller gun for concealed carry. If I have to draw a pistol in battle, a lot of things have gone wrong, and I want as big a pistol with as many rounds as possible at my disposal. 

That said, there is also wisdom in using your concealed carry pistol as your battle side arm.

At the end of the day, this is a preference - the answer to which is both are right.


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