Truth Hurts

From time to time I'll have a reader comment that I jump to conclusions without "getting all the facts." In my livelihood, being able to draw quick, accurate conclusions is of the utmost importance. These quick, accurate decisions are based on small amounts of evidence leading to a "gut instinct" extrapolation.

Often later, the additional evidence comes. Almost without fail, the additional evidence supports my natural instinct. It is my observation that the people jumping my case about these observations do so, because of a certain amount of pain.

Truth hurts.

Truth hurst some more than others. Specifically, the truth hurts those who sit on thrones of lies.

Like gamma males.

Take, for example, a person using a foreign word as an insult. If you have two English speakers, and one insults the other using a Spanish word, that is clear evidence of gamma behavior (passive-aggressiveness). Misspelling the word simply adds more proof.

Seeing said person's Facebook profile picture with him sporting a fedora confirms the observation.

And of course, such a gamma would never insult someone he had met in person... only an online acquaintance.

It's all about passive-aggressiveness with a gamma.


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