Meats & Greens

My church, Global Vision, hosted a weight loss challenge. At the time of this writing,  I do not know where I placed, but I do know how I did.

We weighed in on Sunday, January 4 to start, then again today to wrap up. My results: 225 down to 212.

13 pounds in 13 weeks.

How? Simple - I ate on average 4000 calories per day. High fat, low carb. There was some intermittent fasting - maybe 4 days total. I walked or ran about 10 miles and lifted weights 4 or 5 times.

In other words, I intentionally decreased my daily exercise and increased my calorie intake. And still lost an average of a pound a week.

Now I'll be on to some powerlifting, and will likely continue to put on some muscle mass. But, for those who wonder how I did it:

Typical breakfast:
Coffee with (at least) 4 tbsp of heavy whipping cream. If I ate, it was bacon & eggs or sausage & eggs.

Typical lunch:
If i ate it was: Meat. Salad.

Typical supper:
Meat. More meat. Green - leafy veggies.

In other words:
As much meat (fatty meat is better), eggs, and leafy - greens as you want.

Unless you lift heavy weights, it is hard to gain weight eating like this.


  1. Well done on your weight loss.

    I cam going to start on LCHF again.


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