Militia Is Not a Bad Word!

From a reader:

"The other day, you mentioned militias. Are you in favor of them after all they've done to destroy America?"
- [Name Withheld]

You must be referencing a post I did a few days ago about practical camouflage.
Let me go on the record as saying:

I am 100% in favor of the "Militia Movement," Militias in general, 3% organizations, Minutemen, Oath Keepers, and similar groups. I might or might not even belong to a local segment of one of these. The Socialist media in this country has demonized the word "militia," as well as the actual groups of patriots who want not to overthrow the government, but to keep the government from overthrowing the US Constitution. I refuse to take part in that demonization.

In fact, I urge you to seek out a local group of patriots who believe in the US Constitution. Lots to be learned from people like this.



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