All Should Be Equal

From a reader:
"I see your label 'JBT' and can only presume it means 'Jack-Booted Thugs'. That's a very nasty way to describe those that protect you from bad guys who break the law. Why so much hate for them?"

First off, thank you for reading.

Secondly, it would be a good start to remind you and my readers that police have no duty to protect.
You might see this picture floating around.

Ironically, the same people will post this meme the next day:

So, which one is it?

A third, yet equally important point is this: what hate? You read my intentions and emotions through my words on a computer screen that simply parlay facts? Wow. If you really can do that, then you are a better man than me.

Next point: police have authority that common citizens do not have. They can get away with crimes that citizens cannot get away with. All people should be equal, yet they are not in the US. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Next point: police act as revenue generators for their precincts. They levy taxes that were largely never voted on by the public. This meme from the Facebook "Cop Block" page says it all:

Next point: What's with the shooting of all the dogs? Really?

Final point: They enforce immoral and sometimes illegal laws. That means, by definition, that they enforce, using force if necessary, someone else's political objectives on We The People. Therefore, it is a natural conclusion that such activity is the very definition of terrorism:

Terrorism: noun
     - the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.



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