Pile On - M1A

I'll play, too.

Seems a lot of bloggers have been trashing the M14 / M1A build of late. I cannot disagree with any of the main points that have been listed here or there.

But I'll take it up a notch. Here are two statements that I'm sure will be met with skepticism:

  • In our modern world, the .308 / 7.62 NATO round as a whole is an answer to a question that should never have been asked. 

  • There's nothing the .308 / 7.62 NATO can do that cannot be done better. 

I can hear the objections now!
"Oh, the .308 is perfect, you can sweep rooms with a good semi auto and still hit targets out to 1000 yards."
Actually - you can... but that is a misleading statement. Typical commercial .308 loads will go trans-sonic somewhere between 800 - 1000 yards, when shot out of the 16" barrels that are so common. Not much different than good 75 and 77 - grain 5.56.
And the 5.56 is much better in the recoil and expense department.
Plus - are you really capable of making that shot?

If you can make the shot... then you know that a larger cartridge, like .300 Win Mag, .338 Lapua, etc., will be far better for such a shot.

So anything the .308 can do can be accomplished much better with a different round. It's time to retire this antiquated round. But, it won't be retired any time soon. Too many fanbois.



  1. I've read alot of the blogs you refer to. Your right, they have piled on. And for good reason. But I think you have hit the core of the problem. Its the round more than the platform.


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