Irony of Liberty

Most people fear true freedom. It's a sad truth that becomes even more apparent with each election cycle. As we move forward as a country, each election turns into a big pissing contest to see who can exert more control over whom.

Democrats claim they want liberty. They will point to gay rights, pro-choice, legalizing marijuana, and such as their proofs. However, when was the last time a Democrat actually sponsored legislation or cast a vote in favor of one of these? 

When was the last time a Democrat voter actually voted with one of these issues first in his/her mind?

What most Democrat voters want is free stuff... to be paid for by "rich" people or "evil" corporations that are somehow "not paying their fair share" of taxes; even though these same people and companies pay 95% of all taxes paid. 

Republicans similarly claim that they want liberty first and foremost. They will point to gun rights, free speech, and similar for their proofs. However, finding sponsored legislation or votes cast in favor of these ideals is also quite difficult. 

When was the last time a Republican voter actually voted with one of these issues in the forefront of his/her mind?

What most Republicans voters want is to force their ideals on others. Instead of a concept of truly living free lives, they want everyone to accept their interpretation of what is or is not right, regardless of whether it infringes on other people. 

In reality, what both parties want is control. 
Hence the "pissing contest" mentioned above. 
Hence the irony of liberty. 

The greatest irony of liberty is that most people want control over others more than they want true freedom for themselves. 



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