Weekend Fun

What did you do last weekend?
I built a couple of AR15 rifles for a friend who wishes to remain unnamed. He gave me permission, however, to post pictures of the rifles themselves.

Spike's complete lower.
Spike's complete upper.
M4 profile 16" barrel.
Mid length gas tube.
LaRue 13.2" free float quad rail.
Primary Arms Micro Dot
Crimson Trace forward grip with flashlight & laser (second photo)
Magpul Gen 2 BUIS - front and rear (second photo) 

This photo has both rifles -

Specs -
SAA upper and complete lower.
Blackhole Weaponry SS heavy barrel - 16"
RRA national match trigger.
Samson 12.37" free float rail.
Magpul BUIS
Primary Arms Micro Dot.

This rifle borrowed my Primary Arms micro dot for the photo. It awaits a really nice variable power scope to complete the RECCE-ish type of the build.


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