Church-Israel Relations

From a reader:

I’ve read a lot of your blog. Good stuff. Was wondering, would you consider your theology with regards to dispensational Salvation?

Hello, and thank you for reading. Also, thank you for an excellent question!

I would consider my viewpoints to be very closely aligned with "Dual Covenant Theology," when it comes to salvation. That said, I would not fault any who held to Dispensational views, nor "Progressive Dispensational" views - I do not agree with them, but I understand their point of view. I do not at all care for those with Covenant Theology or Suppersessionism views... they simply are not Biblical.

To be clear in this answer, I am not referring to viewpoints on the rapture, or other end-times events. These are simply my opinions of Biblical interpretation of salvation with regards to God's covenants. I think all Covenants He has made are for yesterday, today, and forever. 



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