Changing Salvation


All three believe in the same God - Jehova. That much has been stated on this blog before, prompting this message from a reader:

Some say that salvation is through Christ alone. I saw the other day where someone wrote that if a person sincerely believes in God, but does not put their faith in Jesus, then they will not be saved. How do you feel about this?

Great question!

Step 1 - Salvation
First, we must ask - what were the mechanics of salvation in the Old Testament?
Simple - 1) belief in God, 2) repentance (turning from sin), and 3) demonstration of 1 & 2 by ones faithful actions (aka - "good works").

Note: people could not believe in Jesus prior to Jesus being born. God made no mention of Jesus in the Old Testament. 

Step 2 - God changing
Does God change? Does God change His mind?
More to the point - has God changed how salvation works?

One cannot answer "yes" to either question and back it up with scripture that directly points to any change in the conditions of salvation. However, there are many instances in the New Testament where Jesus, the Apostles, and Paul all give the same road to salvation that was given above (belief - repentance - obedience).

Alternate step 3 - There was a change
So you think that the mechanics did change. OK, some people agree with you. Maybe you say there was an element of works in the OT times, and Jesus made it so that was not the case.
First - read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter.
OK - back now?

Still unconvinced?
You must be putting more faith in allegorical words form Paul than in direct literal words from Jesus Christ Himself (and His closest disciple... and His brother). Learn more about "conflicting commands" in the NT.

Still not buying it?
You really want the Bible to say what you believe.
A better approach is to believe what the Bible says.   :)



  1. Q - Why is it that so many people want to misconstrue what the Bible says?
    A - Because they want to push their own agenda.

    Problem - this action is the very definition of taking The Lord's name in vain.


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