Pitfalls in Communication

Recently, a reader wrote in and asked for advice dealing with people. His question was one that gets asked in many circles, over and over. The reader is a nice guy, has a good job, but doesn't do so well with the ladies. He asked what he could do differently to attract women instead of repulse them. Evidently, he has no problem getting a first date, but has difficulty finding that elusive second date.

My response shall take place all this week - and has implications far beyond the question at hand. Understand these simple points, and you can drastically improve your position in life.

Speaking of life, we must look at the four basic categories of life: mental, physical, social, and spiritual. Ignore one at your own peril. All of the facts and advice over the next week will revolve around these categories.

Yesterday, we talked about effective communication. If you do those things, you'll be able to handle yourself in any situation or setting. However, as a person, it is natural to want to talk more yourself. A perceived alpha, after all, will dominate the conversation (not really in that matter, but some people think this).

So, YOU get to talking too much. That's not necessarily a bad thing... just don't fall into one of these pitfalls:

Rule #2 - Things to Avoid in Conversation
  • Don't talk about religion. Not on the first few dates, anyways. 
  • You are "friend-zoned" because women construe your excessive emotions as feminine and needy. 
  • A woman wants to feel secure in your masculinity. 
  • Never tolerate a woman's BS. It is either a game to test your "alpha-ness" or it is simply her emotions getting in the way of your good time and hers. 
  • If a woman is spewing BS, distract her. If that doesn't work, leave her alone. If it never works, dump her.
  • Self-deprecation and self-pity are nothing more than narcissism. People will see through you and not want to be around your "woe-is-me" attitude. Drop the BS. 
  • Your impending sense of doom is nothing but an emotion. Deal with it as such (discard it).
  • Never say you're sorry (unless absolutely necessary). Step on her foot accidentally? Tell her to get her Sasquatch-foot out of the way!
  • Do not compliment her on her looks more than once per date. 
  • Never give her a reason to believe you fear losing her.



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