Pack Behavior Origins

Recently, a reader wrote in and asked for advice dealing with people. His question was one that gets asked in many circles, over and over. The reader is a nice guy, has a good job, but doesn't do so well with the ladies. He asked what he could do differently to attract women instead of repulse them. Evidently, he has no problem getting a first date, but has difficulty finding that elusive second date.

My response shall take place all this week - and has implications far beyond the question at hand. Understand these simple points, and you can drastically improve your position in life.

Speaking of life, we must look at the four basic categories of life: mental, physical, social, and spiritual. Ignore one at your own peril. All of the facts and advice over the next week will revolve around these categories.

The Pack
Imagine Earth 30,000 years ago. If you were lucky enough to find a roaming tribe of people (there may have been as few as only a couple thousand in Asia or Europe at the time), you could observe some really neat pack characteristics. The tribe would likely have had anywhere from 5 - 30 members. There would have been a clear alpha male and anywhere from one to a handful of beta males, depending on circumstances.

Please note that these pack rankings are completely different than the psychological motivations of interaction that I identified here. The terms "alpha," "beta," "gamma," and "omega" are the same, but the meanings are clearly not the same.

The alpha male would have been one of the largest, strongest, and smartest of the tribe. A natural leader. The only appreciable difference in an alpha and a beta would have been opportunity. It would not have been uncommon for a top beta to go out and start his own tribe and be alpha there.

So you have this social pattern for many generations, and the natural outcome will be very predictable:
Males will gravitate toward the most desirable female possible. 
Females will prefer, if possible, to reproduce with the alpha. Strongest genetics and all that.
Females would gladly reproduce with the pack beta, as he could easily become alpha one day.
Less desirable females would end up being forced to settle with having the pack gammas or deltas. Or not reproduce at all.

So we see the natural and evolutionary origins of reproductive selection revolve around the pack. Why?

Because humans are and always have been hunters. When chasing a horse, deer, elk, or some other tasty animal which enjoyed all the athletic advantages, people had to use thinking ability and group tactics to ensure success. Having a decisive leader to organize the hunt was essential to simply being able to eat! Women and the grandparents might help the tribe by foraging for edible plants, but that's not where the bulk of the calories came from.

The results are clear in any event: women biologically want the pack alpha if at all possible. 



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