You Lose

It's one thing to lose a contest. Anybody who has competed in any shape or form has lost.
In the martial arts, one signifies defeat by tapping the mat or the opponent twice.
There is no disgrace in tapping - it is a show of respect for properly applied technique.
Alternately, a referee can step in and call the match for KO or TKO. 

Suppose one starts an argument with a person, and loses. That would be an example of losing.
Suppose one gets that debate mediated, and still loses. That would be another example.
Or, one could start a blog war, and lose pitifully.

A man who grows accustomed to losing will never become a winner. 

There are two main ways of losing: getting beat, and quitting. Of the two, there is no inherent dishonor in being defeated by another competitor. Though not pleasant, it is an eventuality of competition. There is, however, total disgrace in quitting a competition. It is a sign of flawed character.

How would this happen? I suppose there are hundreds of possibilities.
But this post is dedicated to one particular idiot.
Who lost by giving up.

What did it take to make this particular man give up?
A comment about someone else. 
It wasn't even a feint.

A comment about another person turns out to be the finishing move.  

The trap was walked right into. 
It was not particularly disabling... certainly not as bad an attack as the man himself had been launching.
It must have hit home... must have been true.

The comment gets withdrawn, no longer being of use.
It had done it's job, and was no longer needed; just as simple as that. 
For the fight was never desired by the warrior. 

And the bully - he gets to a point where he no longer wants to be there. 
And he gives up, and calls in for help. 
"Mommy! Come help me!"
"He started it!"
"Y'all go fight him - I can't!" 

Because, in the end, you can dish it out, but you cannot take it.

And that, my friends, is the signal of defeat. 
Not an honorable tapout, but a dishonorable act of walking away from the contest!
And the bully had sought out that contest! 

I'd wager the bully pouts, and brays like the jackass he is... but we will never know. 
I'd wager the bully displays psychological projection... it is his way. 
I'd wager the bully continues in his muck of negativity... he thrives on it. 

In the end, the bully deserves what every other two-bit bully deserves. 
The worst fate possible for an attention-whore:



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