Stand Your Ground

Here is a video from the Valente brothers (instructors of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Miami, FL) in which they discuss "Stand Your Ground" laws. Very good commentary here. I like how they start by explaining the contrast between the concepts of "stand your ground" vs. "duty to retreat."

Some quotes/concepts I heard that are very important:

Retreating from an attacker can be more dangerous than fighting back.
SYG laws also enable an unarmed person to defend herself, should they need to.
Avoid the physical confrontation.
"When attacked, many times, the safest action is to engage."
"SYG laws protect people who are attacked, and this is a human right."
We cannot abolish legitimate self defense because a few criminals might misuse SYG (or any) laws.
SYG laws are NOT the same as gun control - the two are completely separate issues.
The MAJORITY of states have "Stand Your Ground" laws.
The vast MINORITY of states have "Duty to Retreat" laws.



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