Lavish Residence

At the hearing:

Atty: "Dependopotamus, you have testified that you feel your husband's rent is exorbitant. Why?"

Dependopotamus: "He lives in the house that belonged to his mother before she passed. The mortgage bill is over $800 per month."

Atty: "And how about you? Where are you living now, and what is the rent?"

Dependopotamus: "I live in an apartment complex in this town. Rent is $1260 per month."

Atty: "So $800 per month for your husband's rent is 'lavish,' but $1260 per month for your place is fine?"

Dependopotamus: "Well, there was only this place and one other and, uh... I mean... ummm..."

FYI - average rent in that area is $668 / month. It was not hard to find apartments and rental houses at or below $700 / month.



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