What to Do

Recently, a client was talking about having the opportunity to leading a friend to the Lord. This is certainly to be celebrated. Our conversation turned to what to teach a fledgling Christian as far as to how to live a Godly life. My client mentioned confusion in what to tell a person in such a situation. Her confusion came from the fact that so many Christians subscribe to some form of "Cafe Christianity."

And there it is again, "Cafe Christianity." 

Which of the Jewish laws must a Christian adhere to?
Where are the commands of Christ listed?
What is the ultimate goal?
Is there a simple list of guiding principles?

Here is the ultimate guiding principle, according to Jesus Christ (Matt. 22:35-40):
One of them, a legal expert, tested him. “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourselfAll the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”
Pretty Simple. But pretty complicated. That's a pretty broad spectrum. Still, these should be the guiding principles in all you do. Sometimes, though, there are situations where things are not so clear. Are there more specific instructions, without having 613 commandments?


There is a list, far fewer than 613 codes, that guides righteous living.
There is a list, similar to the 10-Commandments (which was for Jews), for all mankind.
There is a simple answer to what one needs to do, and needs to avoid.

Here is the quintessential guide to morality for mankind. Link to a great article on it.

Believe in God - the Creator of all Heaven and Earth.
Do not place other gods or people or things before Him.

Respect God.
Do not blaspheme (curse God).

Respect human life.
Do not harm other people.
Do not murder.

Respect your body and others, and promises you have made.
Do not engage in adultery (breaking marriage vows).
Do not engage in rape, incest, or bestiality.
Do not engage in sexual relations with a minor, or with a person unable to consent.

Respect the property of others.
Do not steal or cheat others out of their property.
Be fair and honest in business dealings.

Respect God's creatures - be humane.
Do not cause unnecessary suffering.

Keep with a spirit of justice. 

If you examine this code, you will find that it encompasses all areas of moral behavior. If a person wishes to have more personal restrictions, then that is between him and God. However, these seven will provide a complete foundation upon which to live a moral life.

Also interesting is the fact that all Ten Commandments are contained within these seven.



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