Last in the Nation

Illinois has become the last in the nation to adopt a citizen gun carry permit system. Under orders from a Federal Court, the state of IL had until June 9 to enact a law allowing carry, or else carry would be permitted without government oversight.

The bill is far from perfect, and far from normal, but it has been voted into place. Now, the people of IL await only the governor's signature. If there is a veto, the vote margin in IL indicates an over ride is well within reach. The alternative, if no law is agreed on, is much less desirable in the eyes of the gun-grabbers. Therefore, my prediction is that the governor will either sign it, or he will let it become law without a signature.

In the unlikely even that Governor Pat Quinn vetoes the bill, I foresee the state legislature over riding the veto poste haste - the liberals really DO NOT WANT the government to not be in control of something.



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